среда, 1 января 2020 г.


I kinda hate my vocals on it, but I was never meant to be the singer in the first place and still getting into it. How was that experience for a band from Belgium? Also, it was the first time Mambo was in a studio and my first time recording vocals. For non-Dutch speakers it's even worse, of course. Last year, you played The Fest in Gainesville. If you had to name your three favorite songs on the record, which ones would you pick and why? the priceduifkes

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This was about 10 years ago. Do you get tired of it, sometimes?

Of course it would be perfect if we get some new people siked for our band with the new tunes. Apart from that we grew up with oldschool hardcore, Minor Threat for example is a band we all adore.

the priceduifkes

Rad Girlfriend Records is releasing the album in the States so I guess pricecuifkes would only make sense to go back soon. I just hope our fans like the new album, and that we can continue to play cool shows and festivals all over the world. Or how do you cope? Private parties always rule too, when the family of the birthday boy is checking you from their seats and it's clearly not what they'd expected the band to be.

Plus there's always a bunch of Belgians supporting the hell out of us. But I know we have meant a lot in a bunch priceduifked people's lives, and that's something I'm way more proud of than any tour or record we did. Are there any more — possibly more surprising — influences? Also, it was the first time Mambo was in a studio and my first time recording vocals. If you were to change it now, pricedulfkes would it be? It makes no sense, but there's a pun. I kinda hate my vocals on it, but I was never meant to be the singer in the first place and still getting into it.


Not half as good as the Crackups demo, though. Playing on Sunday, day 5 of the best party in your life, wasn't the best timing either, but we had a great time and a good show nonetheless! Actually, only 10 songs are "previously unreleased". For non-Dutch speakers it's even worse, of course.

The Priceduifkes

Fun demo by three 18 year-old punk rock enthusiasts! We did go on some really cool tours though and released a split with Direct Hit! Only last week I heard someone say he didn't check us out for years because of the dumb name. Or that time we played in a school gym in a tiny town in Scotland. When Tony joined us, bands like the Copyrights and Dillinger 4 were added to the list of influences.

We named our other band Prince Beastly.

The Priceduifkes

There's still a lot of shitholes to go! It's only after walking in during our set at Crossbonefest, he realized we were actually a pretty cool band. How can you explain that? How was that experience for a band from Belgium?

It's been so fucking long since we released something! Skip to main content. Any plans to do that again, with a new release coming out?

‎The Priceduifkes on Apple Music

For every insane show we play, there's like 10 quiet ones. Next, we booked some studio time and spent another year goofing around before finally finishing it and releasing it. News about the new album was a bit of a surprise with the sudden announcement of a release show.

the priceduifkes

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