пятница, 10 января 2020 г.


Hope they don't do this to Anita Moorjani. Peaceful and positive Very positive meditation reinforces a way forward from overwhelming grief on the loss of my beloved mother 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. I was already freaked out by the diagnosis and the title sounded awful. Well, I postponed it for a week or so then delved into it. I have a really hard time in general to relax to these kind of meditations, but this one does the job. anita moorjani meditation

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Chana rated it it was amazing Sep 01, An interesting story of an awakening that eventually became a healing that gave freedom to live. mwditation

Deep Meditation for Healing Audiobook | Anita Moorjani |

With his signature compassion, Anthony William, the Medical Medium, shares unparalleled insights into undiscovered functions of our life-saving livers, explains what's behind dozens of health issues that hold us back, and offers detailed guidance on how to move forward so we can live our best lives. He reveals how emotionally charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of "trapped emotions" - emotional energies that literally inhabit your body.

It did create a sensation of lightness and overall well being- so there are benefits to practicing meditation with this media.

Return to Book Page. What members say Average Customer Ratings Overall. Subsequently, her body healed very rapidly, and within weeks doctors found no traces of cancer. Unsure how to rate the story as I have not managed finishing it yet.

anita moorjani meditation

Oct 07, Heidi The Reader rated it liked it Shelves: Best sleep while healing Am able to sleep well while dealing with a medical issue when I meditarion to this at bedtime. Refresh and try again.

Found the voice tone too raspy and loud. Amanda kilmore, Australia Part of that truth has involved contemplating the cultural myths infused into our everyday lives.

Deep Meditation for Healing

The music eventually took my moornani off of it and the message was solid, but I couldn't get over how jarring the narration felt. Dyer, Esther Hicks Length: What If This Is Heaven?

anita moorjani meditation

Anthony William Narrated by: This is very much a 's style reading of positive affirmations that fall in line with Moorjani's personal philosophy gleaned from her near death experience. Jo rated it really liked it Feb 08, Singer helps listeners apply the essential lessons from his popular books in the everyday realities of work life.

I'm naturally quite a tense person. Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend?

Tracy Taylor rated it it was amazing Jan 25, Want to Read saving…. Abhyuday rated it it was amazing Oct 05, To ask other readers questions about Deep Meditation for Healingplease sign up. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Jakob Pascal Fischer You'll always skip to Chaper 2, which is where all the "meditative words" are spoken.

Joe Dispenza shares numerous documented cases of those who reversed cancer, heart disease, depression, crippling arthritis, and even the tremors of Parkinson's disease by believing in a placebo.

CRAP narrator sounds like a robot and it was basically shit. But it's all in the voice.

anita moorjani meditation

I wish this could be redone with a more soothing tone. Her focus is on Self Love The truth is that it happens more often than you might expect.

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