понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


I'm also hoping that the most viral will also be the most enjoyable to use. I guess your Joomunity installation must be working by now. Is it possible to upgrade from CommunityBuilder and import all users It is not yet possible with JomSocial, altho all Joomla users will be automatically added to JomSocial as it uses default joomla user tables. We newbies need folks like you. Which one is most "viral"? Then i found some threads where guys like you talked bout alternatives: In my case I'm looking for a simple integration with the user registration, avatar, profile with custom info, PM, forum integration and that's it. joomunity

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Joomunity v jCommunity - JoomlArt

You took the words right out of my mouth. The entire setup and work flow is so much better than my eternal struggle to get Community Builder to work out as we wanted, and needed. This because I've heard that users in CB will be lost if you uninstall the component and then you loose your opportunity to login at backend.


Or are you not interested in that answer? I, too, would appreciate any other comments or suggestions that folks with more experience in social networking than I might have. How can we do this. I hope to use ldap for users and all will start in Spanish although we will hopefully add other language options. How safe is it to handle large database of membership? Check the screengrab to see the right version.

What is the "professional level" of the two different systems. It is a very worthy thread here. Therefore if there is anounced a 'quick tour' or somethingit would save a lot of time!

Joomunity v jCommunity

Default package that comes with JomSocial has a Fireboard app that will list recent user jopmunity in fireboard. P I'm sorry but USD is not for me, not matter how good it is. What would be your choice - and why? I am not sure on how to actually define professional. What do you joomunihy of the one s you have used? Otherwise, after a month the price will go back to normal - which is quite expensive.

I've seen some that are a bit "dishonest" in that they report too much to try and keep your interest but at the same time taking away your most valuable asset, time, with no real reward.


But to clarify this a bit: To see finally that this extension is for 'the fish' - wasted time! The lack of "viral strategies" and modern community functions the the main reason for this decision bound many others.

CB jookunity me is not an option. Is it possible to upgrade from CommunityBuilder and import all users 4.


I want to do a site with a tool like joomunity or cb. Board index All times are UTC. I far prefer that to just simple comments. Because finally, there are users like you who want to have qualified answers - right? If you are making a fresh install, which is the best thing to ojomunity done, you should download V4 com installer and install joomunity following the steps above. Nevertheless the component works and looks so extremely good in comparison to Community Joomuniry. How to remove protectfile.

I am considering using a Joomla social networking application for my website. As most it appears here I am looking make a choice.

A proper detailed descrition is not provided for the different files; although a very small description, stating the file name, size, author etc. I am the biggest newbie to the whole extension-stuff.

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